Our History
Serving Pinellas and Pasco for Over 25 Years
Opened in 1992 as Caring & Sharing Center for Independent Living Inc, the center has grown from a two person organization with a start up grant, to a nine person organization. Created by concerned disability advocates and community leaders the center looked to fill a need in the community that had been missing.
A gentle and natural approach to the community and solid financial management perspective put the organization on a reliable foundation with a deep understanding of the needs in the community.
A reach into and understanding of the disability community molded the organization into the place people could go for advocacy, training, mentoring and information and referral to the resources needed.
Tied closely to the community as a membership organization it has always been a consumer driven and response to need based entity. The membership is now concentrated in the members of the Board of Directors which has always reflected the communities the organization serves in Pasco and Pinellas counties.
In 2011 the center’s Board of Directors launched a concentrated effort to develop a new name, image, logo and personality for the organization that is in keeping with the vibrant growth and needs of the community. With team, consumer and community input at the local, state and national level the Caring & Sharing Center for Independent Living became Disability Achievement Center on July 1, 2011.
The new name and brand reflects the twenty first century goals of people with disabilities who are striving to achieve. This approach is based on person centered achievement and now permeates every aspect of the center’s life and that of its consumers.